Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Revolution continues...

Last night Dana and I participated in our first ever caucus. Had I not received a short video from the RP2012 campaign I would have been completely confused. We gathered with people from our precinct (basically our zip code) and all together there were about 50 people, which according to our precinct chair, was more than double the number of people since 1996 when he began caucusing. We went through a number of formalities such as electing precinct chair, co-chair, secretary, etc. to start the meeting and then took the presidential straw poll. Dr. Paul won our precinct with 19 votes to Santorum with 15 votes. The other 2 were in single digits. After still more formalities we finally got to the point of electing delegates which was the most important part of the evening for us. Dana nominated me and there were at least 3 other overt Ron Paul people who were also nominated. We were each given a few minutes to speak prior to the election. I was the only one who prepared a speech (which was a bit surprising) and there were only 10 people vying for 8 delegate positions. Fortunately all 4 Paul supporters were elected as delegates to move on to the county caucus in a couple of weeks. We will hopefully be successful there as well!

Here's my speech. I prepared it about an hour before the caucus...still pretty good I think!

In 1770 Alexander Tyler said this about the cycle of democracy:

We move from bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage

I ask you friends, in what phase are we? With welfare rolls exploding, foreign owned debt crushing our economy, the legislator knocking down our doors telling us what we are allowed to do under the law instead of how the law will offer us freedom, when patriotism means we can’t question our leaders and liberty is the choice between a body scanner and a pat down. I ask you again my friends, how have we come this far?

We are all here tonight because we believe that America can break free from the bondage of debt, class warfare and dependency offered to us by this administration. Our hope isn’t in the next bailout, but the free market. We believe social justice is about tearing down the walls that separate us, not lifting some over at the expense of others; that Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem!; and that the Constitution cannot be interpreted to mean just anything, for it would then have no meaning at all.

I am part of your community, your neighbor, and I’m asking you to allow me to be a part of the biggest turn around in our country’s great history.

My name is **********. Thank you.

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