Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Head and the Heart

Last night we went to Phoenix to see The Head and the Heart. They are a really fun, talented band that to our delight, were very good live. We saw them at the Marquee Theater which is similar to the Rialto in that it is a small venue that doesn't have permanent seating.

We arrived earlier than we needed to but were about 15ft from the stage. As more and more people showed up I was reminded how people are incurably rude. They will decide that the 6 sq inches in front of you should be occupied and stand on your toes to do it. I think this utter lack of comfort is also some explanation as to why they drink so much at these types of concerts. When you drink your world gets smaller making you less aware of the space around you (really it is just that the space in your head increases). The viciousness of it all is that not only are drunk people more comfortable standing on your feet but they require more and more room to accommodate their constant need to flail about. By the end of the show we had moved to the back of the theater where we were not only unaccosted but we could actually see better. That and I didn't have to try to contain the urge to tear out nose rings and use them to pierce other body parts. Maybe I'm just too old.

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