Ever wander where those phrases come from that you mutter from time to time? Well this one came from me. You know when you're driving down the road in the middle lane and someone on either side goes to turn or break, causing others in that lane to break and for some reason the person in front of you brakes as well?...that is sympathy braking. It drives me crazy. Don't be a sympathy breaker!
I'm so guilty!!!
By the way... it's time for a new poll already!
I didn't know Dana took her feet off the brakes. I don't take mine off the gas so I guess I'm no better. From one lead foot to another.......
Sweet poll questions, those were really hard because we probably all despise each one. But then I thought ok all of those except one I could close my eyes and it be ok, yes even the snorting but I couldn't get passed the bad body odor. I worked with this guy once, who was really overweight and his body odor was so RANCID somedays that there were complaints and he was actually sent home to shower and then he could come back to work. Seriously a pig farm was more tolerable.
Oh yeah and is there some kind of way to post comments on your guys polls, otherwise I have to leave comments on other posts?.....Ok now Dana your turn new poll. Or better yet Reegz you start one too now!!
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