Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Put a lid on it!

This is why I love the lid. I know the lid is often shunned as a child's drink accessory but really it has so many qualities that to drink with out the lid is a chance I'm not willing to take. We'll move beyond the obvious advantage of not spilling your drink as readily. I know everyone has the memory of that Jack in the Box cup falling on the floor of your car when you hit the breaks and only seeing a small drop of sticky soda reaching the carpeted floor mats. This is clearly an advantage to the lid that can't be down played but I'll name just a few more.

I hate guessing where my straw is going to be and I don't want to have to chase it around the cup. That's just silly. Not only does the lid keep your drink in, but it keeps all those nasty sneeze germs OUT! Think about all the yuckies that can and probably do get into your cup. SICK! Lids have little tabs that allow you to identify the contents of cup. And we can't for get about the additional insulation your lid adds to the warmth or coldness of that tasty beverage.

Lid, I salute you.


Reegz said...

That is sooooo funny and blog-worthy! I tend to disagree in one little way and that is that I don't like drinking out of straws. That would be me flippin' that little flapper open to take a swig. Ahhhh!!

Dana said...

Lids just add to the garbage in the world- that is why I rarely use them... you know its true!

By the way, where does one find a photo of lids???

Anonymous said...

Matt...You are a true philosopher!

Anonymous said...

Matt...You are a true philosopher!

Anonymous said...

That was so funny and very clever, you should totally be a comedian. It reminded me of Ray Comforts banana and coke evidence of a Creator thing he does.

Dana said...

How are people commenting on lids but not on my blog- WHAT THE HECK?!

Reegz said...

Another comment to make Dana more jealous.

Anonymous said...

oh Dana I love you I'm goin to your blog right now.......