Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wisconsin Sickos

The debate in America is coming to a head and I've had numerous discussions with people regarding the potential consequences of converting to government run health care. It seems that we may not have to wait much longer to see the plan in action. Wisconsin's Democratic governor and senate have already passed legislation for such a plan which has been thus far rebuffed by the Republican run House. See the whole story here, but basically it will cost the average Wisconsin worker $510 more per month while becoming a haven for people who want free health care (you don't have to be employed to receive benefits) and driving out workers who can do the same job and save a big chunk of their check.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right! I read the article, and if and when that happens in Wis...I'm moving to Ireland!

Anonymous said...

Like we need another reason to despise Wisconsin!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Hey, I'm a cheese head for another year or so...That is total sickness, even osama and hillary signed a form the other day agreeing with that (police nation) move, which we are not to far from I fear!!! Moving to Italy.