Saturday, October 04, 2008


It is amazing what you appreciate when you are away from home for so long. We just discovered that Chili's (yes the chain) has a restaurant newly opened in Belfast. That was last weekend, and today we went. Yes we drove 110 miles to eat at Chili's. That's not all...3 other people also made the trip and 3 others living in the North met us there. They had all been to Chili's in the States during a missions trip and once we found out there was one within driving distance we organized and went! It was amazing and exactly like home...including the service (which is quite novel in Ireland). Well, that's our current excitement.


Anonymous said...

YUM ! That scarf Dana has on looks familiar! Did her talented mother make it for her? "mom"

Ryan J said...

dude - stop plagiarizing Dana's blog. LAME!

Dana said...

Matt actually blogged Chili's first but how could I not also blog such an exciting day?!