Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolution #1

As many of you have already heard we are embarking on the South Beach diet...again. Our success the first time around is encouraging but I really struggle with dieting will power. This is one of those no carb, low fat diets which really takes everything I love off my plate...(sad lip extended!) However, I've decided that to increase the likelihood of success I'll be weighing myself every Monday and reporting the losses (I hope) on my blog.

Now for the most embarrassing part...my starting weight - 211 lbs.



Jenny said...

I just saw you and you looked great. If you do weigh that much its because its muscle.

Keep me posted on Phase 1. I'm in my second week of it and so far so good.

Jenny said...

crap - ignore my comment, it was meant for Dana.

Nomosian said...

smoke more, eat less - that's my diet plan.