Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Job

After several months of applying and interviewing for work all over the country, we have accepted a position in Minneapolis. Despite the dramatic change in climate, I don't think we could have ended up in a better place. Dana's family will be there for us to hang out with (and for me to really finally get to know) and the hospital will offer much of the work that I trained to do and never got a chance to practice while doing pediatrics for the last 3 years.

I am definitely excited to get back to work at a busy center, learning some new things while applying the full extent of my training. In addition to the great job, we will be living in St. Paul between the hospital and one of Dana's sisters in a nice house for very low rent. It is down to 17 days and counting....


Jenny said...

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to take you and Dana to a Twins Game at Target Field=)