Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week Three

Today marks the beginning of the third week we've lived here. We can see normalcy down the road but it still feels like anything but. I survived my first week of work which was mainly days filled with orientation, etc. and I have hope that I'll actually start doing my job by Friday. It is tough being away from everything and everyone we know and can't wait to start having visitors. We really need to find our own apartment soon so we can get out of our suitcases, fill our cupboards and refrigerator. We've seen a good portion of the city of Dublin and hopefully we can get out of town this weekend. If we do expect some more pictures soon!


Reegz said...

We can't wait to come and visit. you'll know it all by then! I can imagine it being hard to be there at times. I think I'd be a little yearning for friends by now! Well, hopefully you'll be moving home sooner! Ha ha! Does your job feel like what you thought it would? Have you got to have a burger for breakfast yet or is that how you're gonna break in your new place?

Anonymous said...

I was checking out Ryan Air the other day and was in total shock at how ridiculously cheap it was to fly to a lot of really cool looking places.

Top picks: Riga, Latvia; Malta; Porto, Portugal; Glasgow (how can they charge .01 Euros??? for a ticket???); Oslo; maybe Madrid (Yun really wants to get back to Salamanca); and perhaps a few other places outside of Ireland. I wouldn't mind spending a day or two in Krakow! I have an intimate familiarity with some sweet Discotheques there (like anyone doesn't love Polish techno)!

Dana said...

Lupita- before you get your panties in a bind remember I told you Ryan Air charges for every little thing. A ticket may be .01 euros but the tax will be 45 euros and then they charge to check luggage and use your credit which both of those things they make you do. So it still ends up being a deal but not dirt cheap. Hopefully the prices don't reflect the quality of pilots or planes!

Anonymous said...

ok, but under $100 for round trip airfare and it's almost like we're breaking the 8th commandment!