My dad told me one of the funniest stories I've heard in a long time last night. He has a whole slew of dogs (I use that term loosely as the are dachshunds and smaller than Sharptooth) that surround him in his sleep and all have their designated sleeping spots. I guess he has been having some pretty crazy dreams lately involving hand-to-hand combat and the like. The other night he woke up and was attacking and he thinks, trying to bite one of his dogs! All he can remember is that in his dream he was fighting some guy and when he woke up he had the dog pinned to the bed. You probably have to have an intimate knowledge of my dad and his relationship with his dogs to fully appreciate the hysterical humor in all this. It actually sounds quite horrible but from my position I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably! I mean UNCONTROLLABLY!
It'll be great to be home in a couple of weeks and see everyone. I think it'll be a while before I let my dad live this one down.
Lock your bedroom door if you stay at his house. Yikes!
This story is so funny- I love it! KNowing Bill and his dogs makes it all the more funnier. It obviously wasn't Lakitio or Bill would have surely been bit back and probably sustained some serious injuries!
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