Enough with work! On Friday night we attended a lecture at L'Abri. The house is less than 2 miles from downtown but feels like it is completely isolated as it sits on a hill surrounded by dense forestry. It kind of makes me wish I was a student again so I could take a month or even a semester to spend in an environment where you can work on life. The lecture was on Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion which was presented in true Schaeffer fashion, from the author's perspective, then dissected and rebutted. There was a pretty good crowd of people and from what I could tell about 8 students currently living in the house. It is part of a series that includes a talk by the Professor of Philosophical Theology at Yale on "How to think morally about healthcare." That should be interesting!
Finally at home. Dana is the "idea" person in our family. She sees things and comes up with all sorts of possibilities for making it awesome. I just see junk! Take for example this bottom section of a hutch that she found at Savers thrift store.
I see a veneer piece of junk. Dana sees this...
After humming and hawing I make it happen, and I must say...I'm impressed with myself! We converted the drawer to a shelf, replaced the "wood" inserts with copper on the doors, added some talavera knobs and painted. Viola!
Here are our hanging chili peppers. Dana tells me what she wants, I make it happen. That seems to work alright for us.
Love it.....! I'm impressed...."mom"
Looks good to me! Can't wait til you come the fair this weekend! You'll love it and never want to leave again! Lol
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