Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blabber is gone

Dan Rather may soon be out of a job. After stepping down from the CBS Evening News following the Bush service record debacle he may now be off CBS completely after 40 years of news coverage. He has not been asked to continue with "60 Minutes" where he has been working since leaving the anchor's chair on the evening news. CBS may be distancing themselves from the controversy Rather carries with him but are evidently not making any attempt to moderate their collective news coverage. Katie Couric is slated to take over the CBS Evening News and is well noted for her disdain of conservatives.


Dana said...

I know Dan Blabber is a flaming liberal but he and I watched the beginning of the Iraq war together... I guess that is how it goes when you don't have cable. Thank God we have FOX News now!!

Joey said...

ugghhh...I'd take Jennings and Brokaw any day over Rather.

Oh well. Now we pretty much have a slate of, well, pitiful evening news people.

Don't thank God for Fox News...thank God for the internet!

Dana said...

Maybe after I advance beyond dial up internet!