Saturday, June 03, 2006

Punishment should fit the...height?

It should come as no surprise that an admitted child molester scored another victory in court.

Vermont District Court Judge Edward Cashman set off a firestorm of controversy in January when he imposed the minimum 60-day sentence for a child molester who admitted sexually abusing a six-year-old-girl over four years.

Crazy right? Well this one is even better.

District Judge Kristine Cecava of Cheyenne County in Nebraska is at the center of controversy for saying that a man convicted of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old child is too short to go to prison so she has sentenced him to 10 years of probation.

The governor of Vermont as called for the resignation of Judge Cashman and the Nebraska attorney general is filing an appeal for a longer sentence. This is heartbreaking. Next we'll be reading about how the state is paying to fund the hobbies of rapists and killers in the hopes that they'll be too distracted to break the law.


Anonymous said...

isn't there laws in like India or somewhere that if a person is caught stealing they get their hand chopped off? Well let's try those laws here, sounds good....too short! FOR REAL!

Dana said...

Good thing you're training to be a cage fighter with such idiots and sickos in this world!!!

Joey said...

Can you be too tall? 'Cause I'm pretty sure a 5'6" individual would have an advantage on me because of, um, lower center of gravit. Yeah, that's it...lower center of gravity.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure this isn't Bill O'Reilly's blog site?